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Medicine for the Modern World

           Medicine for Now!

Dr Samuel Hahnemann formulated homeopathy as a

medical treatment over 200 years ago, after becoming 

disillusioned with the harsh medical practices of his day. 

His approach to illness has certainly stood the test of

time and is now regarded by many as the future of

twenty-first-century medicine.

Why choose homeopathy?

Unlike the mainstream model of a

"one size fits all, a pill for every ill" medicine, homeopathy

recognises that we are all unique individuals.


Often described as vital or energetic medicine, homeopathy understands

that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects are interconnected

and that symptoms are expressions of disharmony within the whole.

Homeopathy seeks therefore to support the whole of the person experiencing

the symptoms rather than the illness, condition or label alone.

It looks to the underlying causes of a disorder and assists with returning

your true self to a sense of wholeness and homeostasis.


Homeopathy views the body as more than a sum of its parts and respects its

inherent power to self heal. This healing ability is itself part of our very life force -  

Hahnemann called it the vital force. 


Homeopathy is a complementary, dynamic, therepeutic, system of medicine,

which is considered as both an art and a science. New remedies and methods

of prescribing continue to evolve making homeopathy a truly vital medicine for

the new and evolving diseases in today's complex world.

From The Royal Family to The Beckhams, homeopathy has many high profile users.

It is recognised by the World Health Organisation as the second-largest system of medicine in the world, and the fastest growing. 

Homeopathy has it's own philosophy. 

At its core is the guiding principle of the ‘law of similars’ or ‘like cures like."

Although Hahnemann first applied this central idea to his medicine,

it has it's origin in the ancient past and has been recorded in folklore.

The Delphic Oracle (800BC) proclaimed

"That which make sick shall heal"

And Hippocrates (460-377 BC), regarded as the ‘father of medicine, stated that

“By similar things a disease is produced and

through the application of the like is cured."


Today we see examples of this "law" in conventional medicine.

Ritalin, the stimulant amphetamine-based drug, originally promoted

as a "pep pill" in the 1960's is now routinely prescribed for

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 


While homeopathy is used to support a wide range of issues,

its goal is your complete health, body, mind and spirit. 

It is gentle, effective,non-toxic, non-addictive and safe to take 

alongside antiretrovirals and other medicines.

Suitable for the whole family through all life’s milestones:

pregnancy, birth, childhood, puberty, adulthood, the menopause and old age. 

Proven to be beneficial for physical and psychological symptoms,

resulting from trauma, chronic and short term illness, acute first aid situations

and invaluable when ill-defined illnesses are not able to be diagnosed.

                              The Long and Winding Road

Have you been diagnosed, or have clear symptoms of "Long Haul" Covid?

                                               Are you struggling with recovery?

Would you like to take part in a study to see if homeopathy can help?

                      Looking at the Long in Long Covid


Please know, you will not be asked to stop taking any medication

that you are currently prescribed by your doctor / consultant.


You will be required to complete a simple form, scoring your main symptoms at the start and again after one month of taking the homeopathic remedies.

Please, be in touch for details 

“No problem can be solved from the same level

of consciousness that created it.”

Albert Einstein   (1879 – 1955

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