more than an alternative

For true wellbeing & freedom.
Hello and thank you for visiting my website.
I'm Ione and I'm a homeopath .... It's who I am.
My interest in the natural wisdom of the human body and my love for homeopathy
set seed when I was pregnant nearly 40 years ago, and has flourished into a constant
passion to better understand the concept of vitality and energy medicine.
Believing in the natural wisdom of the human body, and it's awesomely intrinsic ability
to self heal, I take a holistic/energetic approach which acknowledges the interconnectivity between mind, body, spirit, and soul.
I view health as freedom, feeling free on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
Having the ability to live the life we want to lead -
to greet each day with gratitude, creativity, zest and energy.
So how are you, are you living your best life?
“In every human being there is a special heaven,
whole and unbroken” Paracelsus (1493 - 1541)
My aim is to gently support you to attain your optimum state of wellbeing.
Employing a unique natural approach, I will work with you to provide a personalised
prescription tailored specificaly to address your health concerns from a physical,
emotional, and spiritual perspective.
I am a member of Homeopathy International R.Hom.Int.
your guarantee that I am both fully insured and licensed to practice.
Passionately committed to professional and spiritual development,
I continually seek to learn more about the energy systems that surround us.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"
Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943)
Since I became interested in homeopathy, I’ve explored a variety of complementary therapies
and approaches including... shamanism, nutrition, medical astrology, cell salts, flower essences, the Beck protocol, radionics, mindfulness, holistic healing,
EFT, Bowen therapy and the Emmett technique. In addition, my love of music and festivals
led me to train with the Traveling Homeopath Collective - a mobile clinic that travels around treating and promoting homeopathy at fairs, festivals and music venues.
Oh yes I love my work!
When ill-defined illnesses are not able to be diagnosed
Both online and at my Brighton clinic, I see patients with a wide variety of symptoms.
Fibromyalgia, Long Covid, EB, CFS, ME, IBS, Lyme, musculoskeletal pain, anxiety, depression, allergies, sleep, memory and mood issues, are typical disorders patients present with.
A personal and professional understanding of ADHD, ODD, OCD and addictions,
has steered my particular focus to lie in the area of stress, anxiety, depression,
abuse and self esteem.
Mental illness has been termed the pandemic
of the 21st century
When I’m not running the clinic, I’m a passionate gardener and spend much of the summer months immersed in the world of colour I’ve created around my home clinic. Come winter,
when the weather draws in, I combine my joy for all that glitters with my passion for homeopathy. Being fascinated by the vibrating energies and healing properties of both colour and crystals, I turn to the creation of jewellery and colour and gem remedies.
In 2020, when I longed for some colour on the walls I found a new outlet for my intuition and creativity, and started to paint. With encouragement from friends I entered the College of Physic Studies, Inspiration from Isolation summer art completion.....chuffed to say I was selected as a finalist and the painting is now on permanent display in the colleague in Kensington, London.
Works from my 2020 "resilience collection," have been used throughout this web site.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience
we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881 - 1955)